Pay Online for Credits Page 1 of 2 This page is used to order postage credits for the 7th Area QSL Bureau. If you don’t have a 7 in your callsign, then we don’t handle your cards, even if you live in the 7th Call Area. InstructionsThis page is used to purchase postage credits for the 7th Area QSL Bureau. Your credits will be forwarded to the volunteer sorter that handles your account. You may fill out and submit this form online, OR print and mail in the paper form shown on a different page. Please do not send your own envelopes, we do not accept them.Full Name *Callsign *Street *City *State *Zip *Phone Number *Email Address *Mailing PreferenceMonthlyQuarterlyWhen FullA $10.00 postage credit will typically pay for delivery of 9 envelopes containing up to an ounce of cards. Typically, you'll see about 5 to 7 QSL cards per one-ounce envelope, depending on card thickness. If you expect to receive a large number of cards, please contact your Section Sorter to discuss estimated shipping charges.Postage Credits (Minimum of $10 - whole numbers only) *Optional Payment (Fill in Price field)Bureau DonationsPostage owed to the BureauPrice (whole numbers only)Optional Comments or Questions for Bureau ManagerTOTAL_COSTContinue to Page 2 to Submit Funds