DX Ladder

This page allows WVDXC members to track and display their entity status.  There is a link at the bottom of the page where you can report updated totals to WB6JJJ who maintains this page.

DXCC Information

This List is for ALL members whether you have 1 or 340 DXCC entities. Its purpose is to stimulate interest in attaining a higher DXCC count and having fun chasing DX.

The ARRL DXCC is awarded to Amateurs who submit confirmations for contacts with 100 or more entities on the ARRL DXCC List.

The DXCC Honor Roll includes those who are within 9 entities of 340 current entities for the Mixed, CW, Phone and RTTY awards.

Currently, Honor Roll requires 331 to 340 confirmed (LoTW or paper QSL cards) QSOs.

How to update your WVDXC DXCC Ladder Numbers:

“Current DXCC” column includes a total of only current entities.

“Total DXCC” column includes a total of all current and deleted entities.

“Challenge” column is the sum of all current entity band counts. (Automatically calculated)

Use only CURRENT entities for band counts (160m – 6m).

Click Here to fill out the WVDXC DXCC Update Reporting Form to submit new or updated totals.

To help find your DXCC Totals on LoTW, go to this link